It's been so long since I've blogged that I'm struggling to remember how to do things! I won't dwell much on the several months that have passed since I last blogged, but I'm going to do a quick month by month update, if I can pull anything out of my memory bank to share. My last blog was about Halloween, so here's a little bit about November...
Corban participated in a scouting event called the "Rain gutter Regatta." He and Rho put together a little wooden boat and Corban decorated it. Then, one Saturday afternoon, there was a big competition between all the boys. As you can see from the picture, the boys blow on the sail to make them travel down a rain gutter.
On the 15th, I celebrated my 36th birthday. woo-hoo.
We switched things up this year and went to Tennessee for Thanksgiving instead of making our usual Abilene trip. We did this to coordinate a visit with my grandmother that I see very rarely. Our trip started out a bit rough with Kaela throwing up for several hours the night before our departure. Since we weren't sure what the morning would bring and knowing that we were going to start out sleep deprived, we played it by ear and thankfully, were able to leave just a few hours later than our original ETD. The trip went smoothly and we had a nice visit with my parents, brother and family, aunt, uncle, grandmother, and one of my two first cousins and her family.

Pre-Thanksgiving, we enjoyed a little trip to Sevierville to eat breakfast at a yummy pancake house.

Corban, Cameron, Karis, Kaela, and Christina chow on a delicious Thanksgiving day feast. Rho was my Mom's unexpected sous-chef this year, cranking out 3 pecan pies, a vegetarian casserole, and a homemade squash/carrot soup. I was Rho's sous-chef, chopping endlessly and taking much grief from him over how nicely his pecan pies turned out. They WERE beautiful, but I'm certain it has everything to do with altitude!

Corban and Karis enjoy playing with their only cousins from the Kuhl side of the family, Cameron (rolled up in blankets) and Matthew.