Monday, May 26, 2008


bib number: GD475
overall place: 20137
division: F35 (Females, age 35)
division place: 181 out of 465
gender place: 7784 out of 23403
mile 1: 0:09:32.96
mile 2: 0:10:04.82
mile 3: 0:10:28.94
mile 4: 0:10:31.89
mile 5: 0:10:19.32
mile 6: 0:10:46.38
net time: 1:04:01.58
pace: 10:19 (based on net time)

I DID IT!! Without stopping!!

With a couple of blisters and some soreness to prove it, I ran the BolderBoulder today! (A picture would have been nice, but I won't point fingers about that). I woke early, picked up my friend Coralie at 6:30, and drove into Boulder. We found parking easily and walked the mile or so to the start. Though it was chilly, the walk warmed us up and of course, once we started running, we didn't notice the chill at all. The weather was actually nice for running and the race was pretty enjoyable, despite the labored breathing, sweating, and nagging voice in my head that tells me to quit. Coralie and I stayed together the whole race, which was great. Having someone in it with me, besides the 50,000 or so other folks, was encouraging. There were bands, belly dancers, and the stereotypically strange Boulder people along the route to entertain the runners. I was a happy runner when I made it across the finish line without stopping, which was my goal. Then, when Coralie reported our time, I was surprised and even happier! I expected 11 minute miles, but ran each in under 11! Coralie and I found Rho and the kids and the Wilcox family up in the CU stadium where the race ends. We had hoped to hang out a bit and watch some further BB activity, but the weather was turning colder and had started to sprinkle, so we decided we all needed to leave and get warm. It was really a fun morning and it feels nice to accomplish a personal goal. I hope to run again next year! Anyone care to join in the fun? Shannon?? We could wear matching t-shirts! Michelle? You can redeem yourself (4th place, ON PURPOSE? Puh-lease!) Becky? Hey! You're retired.....nothing stopping you!

A photographer from the Boulder newspaper took this picture of the flag. The kid holding it is Corban!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wild weather

Maybe you heard of some tornadoes here in Colorado this past Thursday. There were 7 that touched down in Windsor, which is between here and Fort Collins, causing significant damage. We were glad to learn that several families we know out there were ok. Fortunately, all we experienced that afternoon was some rain and hail, which was exciting enough. Corban and Karis went out afterwards and found some pretty big hailstones.

Violin recital

I'm behind in blogging about Corban's violin recital from last Saturday. It was his second recital so far and he did a really nice job. He was the first one to play and started out with a trio, including his teacher, on violin, and myself on piano. It was a simple song, but sounded nice. Corban really likes to play music with other people. After the trio, he did two more songs, alone. He got a little messed up by switching over to a different song in the middle of his piece (they were memorized). He just stopped playing and said, "I think I'm playing the wrong song." His teacher encouraged him to keep going, and it turned out fine. My guess is that no one would have noticed. He had a second 3 song set later, after several other students had played. The first of those 3 was a duet with his teacher and then he did two more by himself.

This is his teacher, Ms. Georgina. We can't say or spell her real name....she's from Hungary. We like her a lot and she is so complimentary of Corban. We'll miss her this summer as her son, just graduated from music school in Cleveland, takes over her students for two months.

The kids enjoyed some cake after the recital. The girls' favorite part, of course!

( on a picture if you want it bigger)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Orange you glad....

.......that I'm able to post pictures again?? Rho got a card reader, I think it's called, so we can get photos off of the camera I'm borrowing from my Mom and Dad. I wasn't too great at "drawring" (remember Mike Meyers on SNL?). Be happy that you've been spared further artwork from me!

Wish you could have heard the cackling going on at the dinner table a couple of nights ago when these three crazies were entertaining themselves with oranges.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Return of Net Face Girl

I'm still here, just not blogging much. I've been pretty busy with Corban and his school work, trying to get everything done by early June. Along with regular daily work, COVA is asking for more testing to be done. We do it at home, thankfully, but it's just one more thing on our plates during an already busy time.

I had another Pixel treatment yesterday, so am looking like a weirdo (lobster/net face) again. The aesthetician that is treating me told me yesterday that she is moving to California at the end of the month. I'm kinda bummed about that. I like this gal a lot and trust her, though I'm sure the new person will be fine.

Forgive my complaining, but I hurt today. I ran outside yesterday (instead of on the treadmill) and I'm totally feeling that in my legs today. I'm also experiencing unusual pain in my hands that I'm calling Sudden Onset Arthritis. Every joint in both of my hands has hurt all day, when they felt totally fine yesterday! Bizarre. Then, this morning, I had a run-in with the wall (it's ok, go ahead and laugh.....) and caused a welt/bruise on my shoulder. Ugh. Woe is me. Tomorrow will be better, surely. (Is that what you tell yourself, Jessica?) Oh, by the way, when I told Rho about my aches and pains, he said, "I could kick you in the butt." (Since that part doesn't hurt. Nice, huh?)

It rained today and I like rain. Thought about how nice it would be to be lying in a tent, reading a good book.....

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I had the microdermabrasion done yesterday and I was kind of sweatin' it. The pixel treatment last week created quite a shocking look for several days and I was concerned that the microdermabrasion might do something similar. Fortunately, it doesn't, and I haven't been forced into hiding again this week. The microdermabrasion just took off dead skin, basically. It was like a little vacuum. Maybe my Dyson vacuum would do the same. I'll try it on Rho to see. The gal showed me the dead skin after she was done. Ick.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Let there be Light

Light, posted. heehee

So, I accidentally posted this blog with only it's title, but it produced one of Rho's funnier jokes in a long time. "And there was light.....but no post."

The original reason for posting seems lame now, but, in gratitude to Rho, I'll go ahead. Rho installed a lovely light in our loft this past weekend, allowing me to possibly do some scrapbooking up there, if time ever allows. I thought Rho might have actually enjoyed this little home improvement project, but he assured me that he got "absolutely NO satisfaction" from it. Maybe that's why we've tackled only 2 projects in our 5 years of living here!

Bible Bowl Finale

Corban left on Friday afternoon for his final Bible Bowl Round Robin tournament in Garden City, Kansas. It felt a bit scary to send him off "on his own," but he seemed fine with it. I'm not even sure he would have said goodbye to me, had I not tracked him down and given him a hug! I was a bit teary as I drove away from the church building and have decided that if he goes off to college someday, we'll just have to move. Anyway, his trip went well, despite a tire blowout on the van he was riding in. This delayed their arrival into Garden City and caused them to get to bed quite late. Corban reported that they got up before 7:00 the next morning and had a great breakfast. Apparently, the lady who opened her home to all 14 boys and 5 male chaperones, laid out quite a feast to prepare them for their big day. Their competition went great, with Corban's team earning 2nd place in Division 1, behind another RMCC team. They got back to the church building around 8:30, two hours earlier than we expected them. It was good they got back early because Corban was exhausted.

Today, to celebrate the end of the Bible Bowl season, they had a party at Bouncetown. The kids bounced around like crazy for an hour or so and then stopped to have pizza and an awards presentation. Each child was given two awards; one that described a personality trait and a "silly" one. Corban was given an award for Diligence and his silly award related to his Heelys, which have apparently become somewhat of a trademark for him. Anyway, we sure are proud of all the Bible knowledge Corban has gained this year and of the effort he put into studying with his Dad almost every night before bed. Way to go Corban!