Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Karis loses a tooth

Karis lost her first tooth yesterday at school. When I arrived to pick her up, she ran to me with a big grin to display the hole. She thinks the hole is a great way to "scratch your tongue." She was very excited about it and of course, put it under her pillow for the "Tooth Fairy." Starting school and now losing a's just too much growing up for a Mom to handle! More growing up coming your way as Kaela turns 4 in my next blog. Sigh.


Unknown said...

and what did the tooth fairy bring?? Here we have a little mouse that comes and takes the baby teeth from under the pillows. I've often wonder what Daniel would do if I stuck a mouse trap for him to find in the morning! (not that he "believes" but we keep the tradition going...)
I'm just a sick and twisted mom!

Unknown said...

This is so exciting! Karis can now eat spaghetti with out opening her mouth! Another growing up pain for Kristen. You look so cute, Karis.