Our cleaning out and packing up continue to go well as our moving day draws closer. It's hard to believe we'll be saying goodbye to our house in just 4 days! Karis and Kaela have found the fun in moving....boxes! They've enjoyed playing house amongst them and using them for hiding while playing hide-and-seek.
We're looking forward to my Mom coming out on Tuesday to help us with our move.....hope she's been lifting weights in preparation! We've got some heavy furniture!
Corban is sick with a fever again today, though we didn't realize it until we were at church. We decided to go ahead and stay since he said he was okay and it was our last time to be there. After his passing out at church a few weeks ago and throwing up/passing out another Sunday, we're beginning to feel like we'd have to find a new church even if we weren't moving!
So sorry to hear that Corban is sick. I did not know about the passing out either. Hope he is o-k real soon.
Glad the packing is going well.
good luck moving!!! fun fun fun!
got a new number yet??
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