Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ice Cream #2

We're doing our best to eat our fair share of ice cream, so we took a field trip on Thursday to Mayfield Dairy where we had a tour of the milk and ice cream factory and then enjoyed some ice cream, of course! The only cow we saw was the giant one in the picture below, so I insisted that Corban milk it. Rho told me that Corban always wanted to milk a cow when he was little. I thought this might be the closest he'd ever get to fulfilling that dream. I thought we all looked pretty spiffy in our red hair nets, don't you?


Unknown said...

I sure hope you remembered my 40th birthday coming up and got me a red hairnet just like yours!!! It looks like you guys are all Bozo The Clown's long lost cousins...

Hoosier46 said...

How fun! And funny too! Can't beat free ice cream! Yum!