Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

I've tried to read Cervantes' "Don Quixote" several times and have never made it any further than about a quarter of the way. I just don't have what it takes to stick with a 982 page book. It is AMAZING to me that Corban has read this entire novel at age 11! He just finished it today! And here is his critique of the book: "It's a good book, but it has a sad ending." Makes you want to get to the library and grab a copy, doesn't it? :-)


Unknown said...

that is awesome!

Lana said...

Cliff's notes would be a big read for me. The boy is a reading machine!!! Great job, Corban!!! I did read the bible through this year. I finished on Nov.5, five days ahead of schedule:-)

Shannon Kuhl said...

Did Corban realize that book was written about his cousin?

Kristen said...

Shannon...what do you mean??