Sunday, March 30, 2008

Weekend Update

After everyone enjoyed sleeping in on Saturday morning and eating banana chocolate chip waffles for breakfast, Rho took Corban and Karis with him to meet up with the Wilcox family for a hike that they called a Geocache. From what I understand, you use a GPS unit to make your way to a specified site where a "treasure" is buried. If you find it, you can take what's there and put your own item in for the next person to find. Sounds kinda neat, but Kaela and I went to the scrapbooking store instead, which is even neater. I've been wanting to check out this store called Archiver's for a long time and finally made my way over there. It was a fun store and I found a good bit of stuff to use for my Disney album. I also ran into a couple of old friends from the church we used to attend in Boulder years ago, so that was cool. After their hike, Sherri Wilcox took her kids and ours back to their place to play while Rho and Jeremy messed around with some climbing. Back at our home, Kaela tried to rest while I cleaned. Rho made it home at 5:30 with Corban and Karis and we quickly got the kids bathed since we were heading out for the evening. Sherri and Jeremy brought a babysitter to our home to watch the 5 kids and we headed to Boulder to eat at an Ethiopian restaurant called Ras Kassas. Rho and I had eaten there years ago (BC....Before Corban) and were excited to go again. There were 9 of us gathered for dinner to celebrate Sherri's birthday and we thoroughly enjoyed lots of yummy food eaten sans utensils. Fun!

We woke to a cold, snowy morning on Sunday. Winter is stubborn in Colorado, rearing it's ugly head during Spring, making us wonder when we can ever put our sweaters away for good! After our usual long morning at church, I came home and ate lunch in front of the fireplace and then crashed for a much needed 2 hour nap. Both the girls slept that afternoon as well, leaving the house nice and quiet for Rho to do the taxes. Kaela has put on her tutu, ready to do ballet with Bella Dancerella, so I'm off to put in the video.


Leah said...

This is Leah (Sharla's sister-in-law in Denver), and I just had to say I LOVE ARCHIVER's! It is the greatest scrapbooking store!

Unknown said...

busy week end! I don't know what those are like, all I have time for is smell the flowers... but then, I got nothing better to do ;)