This photo is my 4th of July fireworks show this year. Rho and Karis have gone to enjoy Erie's show while I stay home with Kaela, who has a fever today and really doesn't need to be out late tonight. She happily took a handful of glow sticks to bed with her and wasn't at all upset about not getting to go out. If I remember correctly, she fell asleep during last year's fireworks display! After blogging, I plan to finish the final book in a series by Beverly Lewis. I think I should take a break from Amish fiction soon, as my head is filled with thoughts of Amish-ness. I see people who I think look "plain," consider myself "fancy" as I put in my earrings, and wonder if the Amish ever exercise because they sure seem to eat a lot of pie.
Anyway, the day started with an interesting event. We were all upstairs in my bedroom with the windows open when we heard the clip-clop of horses' hooves. We lifted the shade to see a horse being ridden down our street! I'm pretty sure the man riding was talking on a cell phone. Getting directions back to the ranch maybe. Though Kaela was coughing a good bit, we decided to give her medicine and go ahead with our plan to see Wall-E at the movie theater. We went at 10:30, planning to get home for lunch and rests. The movie was pretty good, even though there was very little dialogue. I think it was hard for Kaela to follow what was going on and she was ready to go home by the middle of the show. After the movie and lunch, Kaela and I took naps while Rho and Karis washed both cars. We putzed around for a while and after deciding that spaghetti just wasn't American enough for the 4th of July, we went to the store for dinner ingredients and came home to cook Boca burgers and corn on the cob.
We're missing Corban as he's still in Tennessee. He called this morning and wished us a happy 4th. He was excited about Uncle Eddie's (my brother) purchase of 2 bags of fireworks that they plan to set off tonight up at his cabin in the hills.
Going now to finish my book. Wonderful gut idea, jah?
Since you missed the fireworks, wanna come see ours on the 14th of July?? I'll even get you cotton candy if you're good!
Hope Kaela is doing better and that Karis doesn't get it! it's 8:20am here and Daniel is still sleeping, he is finally on summer break!!!
I miss boca burgers...
Hope Kaela is feeling better today. Wish you all could be here with Corban. He is being very good. Love, Mom
I chuckled at your Amish thoughts - funny!
We missed the celebration of the 4th too with Bo's being stuck in his recliner with his foot elevated. He is doing well though and we are thankful.
We have many fond memories of spending the 4th with you guys. Maybe we will get to do that again some year.
I pray that Kaela recovers quickly. God bless you all.
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