Our children's program at church focuses on a different virtue each month. The virtue of determination was introduced this past Sunday. During class, Karis was asked to draw a picture of something that shows determination. She created this drawing of herself holding our blue dust rag that she uses to dust our stair and loft banister, her Wednesday job. She used to love helping Corban do this job when it is was his responsibility. Now that it's hers, the job is drudgery, and in her mind, takes determination! I got a kick out of her name at the top. Obviously, she doesn't know how to spell her middle name and she chose just to make a green dash mark for "Green!"
that is SO her!! She's great!!! I have always had a soft spot for her and it just gets bigger as she grows up!! the green streak made me laugh out loud!
Great picture,Karis. You are a good drawer. She really does understand the concept of determination! Her creativity in writing her last name is outstanding!!!
She put a lot of thought into that picture. I am impressed. From the door in the background, the opening for the stairs, the perspective on the banister, her "sad" expression and of course, her "green" name. Very special!
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