A WHOLE lot has happened since my last blog. Most of you know about all that. Though it's hard to imagine that I would ever forget this crazy time, I'm going to write down a quick recap here anyway, since I know how unreliable my memory can be.
On February 23rd, two days before we were to sell our Erie home and buy a new home in Loveland, Rho's boss informed him that he would be laid off at the end of March. One of our main goals for this move was to get Rho closer to this job. Not knowing how long it might take for Rho to find a new job or where it would be, we backed out of buying the Loveland home. We still sold our Erie home, closing on the 25th. In the midst of shock and confusion, we were forced to make many difficult decisions, quickly. God saw us through that time and, in the end, Rho stayed in CO to finish his work and I packed up the kids and a UHaul and drove to TN with the help of my Mom. Rho was soon told by his boss that he could just quit working and still get paid, giving him the freedom to job hunt full-time. Within a week, Rho had interviewed with Lockheed Martin, a former employer, and basically had secured a job. We felt amazingly blessed. During an economically tough time, we were amazed that a job presented itself so quickly. Clearly, God's hand was in this. Though being apart from Rho was tough for the kids and I, we felt very encouraged that we'd be back together sooner than we imagined. Though we had hoped Rho's job would start on April 6th, he actually didn't get started until the 27th. There were "issues" at Lockheed that are too confusing to remember!
During parts of March and April, Rho came to TN and was able to spend several weeks here while waiting for his job to begin. I made the trip back to CO with him and did some house hunting. We are still waiting for the right house to show up. We did make a bid on one, but were outbid by other buyers. We weren't terribly disappointed over this, just frustrated that it meant MORE house hunting and that our being together as a family would be postponed a little more. We continue to pray that God's Will will be done in this and that he'll bless us with the home that he'd have us in.
So, that's the saga, in a nutshell. It made me sad to think about all that again. What an emotional time. Anyway, I hope to do several blogs to show what we've been doing while in TN. It's old news, but at least there will be pictures to enjoy!
Thanks to each of you who have prayed for us during the past months. It is greatly appreciated.