After shopping at the outlet stores in Pigeon Forge one evening, we took the kids to play putt-putt at an Old MacDonald themed course. I don't know what Kaela thought it would be like, but she did not want to play and was crying by the time I chose a ball and club for her. I didn't know a child could be so nervous about playing miniature golf! After the first hole, however, Kaela loved it and they all had fun. Karis was happy to have her picture taken with a cow, her favorite animal at the moment. She got lucky at the end of the game by getting a hole-in-one on an almost impossible putt and won a free game!
Kaela, as she so often does, says "This was my best day ever!" She has lots of "best day evers." Even if she gets a new toothbrush, it's a "best day ever!"

Loved the lipstick on the sheep!
Kristen, We neen an 8X10 of the pic of Ed with the cows. Surely we could use that as blackmail for something!!!
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