It was a "big" birthday this year for Corban, turning double digits. I remember thinking it was pretty important turning 10. I don't think Corban thought it was such a big deal. Thankfully, Rho was still here in TN to celebrate Corban's birthday. Originally, he was not supposed to have been here, but it worked out that he was. We had a pretty "normal" day as I recall, torturing Corban until the evening to celebrate. He had chosen manicotti for dinner and a multi-flavored cheesecake for dessert. Eddie's family was over to celebrate with us....that's Cameron and Matthew in the pictures. I wish I could remember to have someone take a family picture on the kid's birthdays, but I always forget.

Corban celebrates his iTouch, his only desire this year. He's turning into a techno kid, for sure.
I had a minor freak out moment when I read the title of the post, thinking that I had missed Corban's birthday! I also have misplaced my bike computer, so I think I might being having a brain problem.
I, however, am having a freak out moment! I forgot Corbans birthday!! I suck! I'm hanging my head in shame...reaaaaaaaaal low.
In that fist picture, Corban looks like a MOOSE hee hee hee.
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