Today was Corban's 5th grade "Continuation Ceremony." Family and friends gathered in the gym for the program, which basically consisted of a reading of "Oh the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Suess and a slide show of tons of pictures of the kids taken throughout the year. The kids were called up, one by one, to receive their diploma. I took one picture from my place very near the back of the room, so it turned out very dark, of course. Corban is looking and smiling though. And he looks so cool in a shirt and tie! I love it!
Here are Corban and his friends Catherine, Diego, and Amira. They are a nice group of kids. Unfortunately, Diego is enrolled in a private school for next year and Amira is moving, so Corban only has one close friend (Catherine) going on to Trail Ridge Middle School with him. I'm sure he'll meet other friends next year, especially now that he'll be involved in band and orchestra.
Wow! Who says "clothes don't make a man"! Corban looks so handsome and grown up. Congratulations!
he cleans up pretty good!! wow! oh my oh my...chatting and blogging all in such a short time...I need time to recover from all this action!!
Corban, we are very proud of you, congratulations!
blog looks cute!! I like it!
But it's not the way I thought it would be. The old stuff is still there! It's not what I want.
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