Monday, March 3, 2008

Weekend Update

The first thing that comes to mind about this past weekend was the crazy weather. We had a gorgeous 70 degree day on Saturday and woke up to blowing snow and 30 degree temperatures on Sunday. It warmed up enough today to melt most of the snow, thankfully. We're all ready for spring!

Corban had a very early morning on Saturday, waking at 6:00 to get to the church building by 6:30 for a Bible Bowl Round Robin in Littleton. When I picked him up around 3:30, one of the Bible Bowl mom/leaders told Corban to tell me how "cool" he had been. So, as we drove home, I kept waiting to hear some story, but it never came. As I do with Rho, I had to drag the details out of Corban. Turns out that his team of 4 came in 5th place in division 1. Though that might not sound so great, what's significant is that his team was supposed to compete in division 2, an easier group. So, all in all, they did really well, even beating one of the division 1 teams! I don't think Corban felt it was that great of an accomplishment, but I assured him that it was pretty awesome and that he indeed is very "cool."

Rho and I had to go to a party Saturday evening to celebrate the opening of Cerience's new office. It really is nice, especially compared to the old place. They had a catered buffet of different finger foods and a selection of wine and beer. I got so smashed! (That made me laugh out loud!) I was a tad bit embarrassed when we needed to raise our glasses for a toast and I had to hold up my bottle of water! HA! Anyway, it was good, considering this kind of socializing is not my, nor Rho's, cup of tea. We managed to be social though, and it was nice to meet the other workers and their wives.

On Sunday, after sleeping poorly due to wild winds, we dragged all our tired selves to church. The afternoon was spent resting, by most. I polished off another of Jan Karon's books in the Mitford series. (Thanks for the recommendation, Becky!) Our small group was canceled for the evening and Rho suggested that Michelle and I go do something while he watched our kids and hers, since her husband's away. In the end, it almost ended up being a small group night when the Wilcox's joined in the fun. Sherri went to the movies with us (27 Dresses....pretty cute) and Jeremy had the pleasure of helping Rho babysit the 8 kids! When the girls returned, we were happy to find that no one was crying and that the men had successfully changed two diapers, only after putting it off so long that they couldn't bear the odor any longer!


Hoosier46 said...

You have a sweet husband! I am so glad he gave you a "girls' afternoon out" and that the kids were still alive when you returned!

Unknown said...

WTGR This is text talk for "Way to go Rho!" It was an interesting weekend. I have never understood why alcohol made any wish or sentiment any more sincere. Tell Corban he will always be Kuhl and cool. Tell Karis and Kaela to continue brightening Daddy's little corner of the world. I know they sure brighten mine. Love,Nan