I have not been sunbathing, but look and feel like I've got a wicked sunburn. Today was the first in a series of treatments I'll be getting to treat my acne scarring!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm very excited about it. I had pixel skin resurfacing done today. The process was only mildly uncomfortable, but the effects afterwards are a hot, stinging face to which you cannot apply cold water or even fan yourself. It's bearable, really....a small price to pay for what I hope will be smoother, even-toned skin. Imagine that. I hardly can. In case you're interested, here's a brief description of PSR:
Pixel skin resurfacing is based on the principle of micro-thermal treatment zones. The laser pulses create tiny ablative zones, removing the epidermis and upper dermis. The treatment then triggers the body's natural healing process, stimulating the growth of new, healthy skin tissue.
To give you an idea of how funky my face looks, I found this picture.

My face is
very red with white dots, looking much like this dude's black dots. It looks like I mashed my face up against a screen door. Karis' comment was, "Your face looks like a net." (Bonus points for you if you recognized pixel dude as President Hamilton from the 10 dollar bill!)
I'll let you know how the microdermabrasion goes next Monday.