My Mom arrived this past Saturday morning to celebrate Corban's 9th birthday with us. We've been looking forward to her visit and are really enjoying having her here. Dad stayed behind in TN to take care of Molly (the dog) and tend to the lawn and such. We wish he were here as well, but since we've had tofu twice since Mom arrived, I don't think he'll wish he were here! :)

Our plan for celebrating Corban's birthday included going to Boondocks, an entertainment center offering bumper boats, go carts, laser tag, etc. He was SO looking forward to it. Sadly, he got feverish and we decided to postpone Boondocks until next weekend. Corban was really disappointed, but his mood brightened when we gave him his gift. We got Corban an aquarium....our family's first try at pets! He's very happy to be the owner of 3 fishies now. We spent Saturday afternoon letting Corban choose rock and other aquarium decorations and then went back to PetSmart yesterday to let him choose some fish. He has 3 guppies named Azul, Sunshine, and Phoenix, named according to color. We'll add more fish later, so the excitement just keeps going!

Corban chose to have Lava Cakes for his birthday this year and they were so incredibly yummy! Kaela claims she wants them for her next birthday, as do I. I'm pretty sure we won't be able to wait until Kaela's birthday in September, so we'll come up with another reason to indulge in the lava cake's extreme chocolatey-ness!
pets are fun! next you should get a cat!
happy birthday Corban, we sent you an ecard, hope you got it! I'll call this week to get more news.
Is that Nan? She looks different - younger. If that is her, retirement is doing wonders for her!
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