Sunday, April 27, 2008

Corban birthday, part 2

The kids and I returned Mom to the airport on Saturday morning. We were sad to see her go, but had such a nice week with her. The kids were feeling kinda low, but fortunately, they had Boondocks to look forward to later in the afternoon. Corban's friend and only guest for his "party" was Andrew. I'd love to post a picture of them soaking each other on the bumper boats...... Mom left her camera behind for us to use while we are without, but I don't have her cords, so can't upload pictures. Anyway, the boys had a blast playing video games and laser tag. The girls had access to a play area, much like a McDonald's, but bigger. They played in it for a bit, but really weren't that thrilled. They were patient, though, while Corban and Andrew did their things. We came home and had pizza and dessert, and that wrapped up part 2 of Corban's birthday celebration.


Hoosier46 said...

Sounds like a lot of fun!

I will be looking forward to a description of the new fish.

Unknown said...

and I want a drawing of the new fish...with color please!!!