bib number: GD475
overall place: 20137
division: F35 (Females, age 35)
division place: 181 out of 465
gender place: 7784 out of 23403
mile 1: 0:09:32.96
mile 2: 0:10:04.82
mile 3: 0:10:28.94
mile 4: 0:10:31.89
mile 5: 0:10:19.32
mile 6: 0:10:46.38
net time: 1:04:01.58
pace: 10:19 (based on net time)
I DID IT!! Without stopping!!
With a couple of blisters and some soreness to prove it, I ran the BolderBoulder today! (A picture would have been nice, but I won't point fingers about that). I woke early, picked up my friend Coralie at 6:30, and drove into Boulder. We found parking easily and walked the mile or so to the start. Though it was chilly, the walk warmed us up and of course, once we started running, we didn't notice the chill at all. The weather was actually nice for running and the race was pretty enjoyable, despite the labored breathing, sweating, and nagging voice in my head that tells me to quit. Coralie and I stayed together the whole race, which was great. Having someone in it with me, besides the 50,000 or so other folks, was encouraging. There were bands, belly dancers, and the stereotypically strange Boulder people along the route to entertain the runners. I was a happy runner when I made it across the finish line without stopping, which was my goal. Then, when Coralie reported our time, I was surprised and even happier! I expected 11 minute miles, but ran each in under 11! Coralie and I found Rho and the kids and the Wilcox family up in the CU stadium where the race ends. We had hoped to hang out a bit and watch some further BB activity, but the weather was turning colder and had started to sprinkle, so we decided we all needed to leave and get warm. It was really a fun morning and it feels nice to accomplish a personal goal. I hope to run again next year! Anyone care to join in the fun? Shannon?? We could wear matching t-shirts! Michelle? You can redeem yourself (4th place, ON PURPOSE? Puh-lease!) Becky? Hey! You're retired.....nothing stopping you!A photographer from the Boulder newspaper took this picture of the flag. The kid holding it is Corban!