Kaela has been counting down the days to her birthday for more than a week now, so she woke up excited yesterday. She walked sleepily into my bathroom, wrapped in her Pooh blankie, to announce that "today is my birthday!" When she came downstairs she found balloons tied to the back of her chair and several cards to open. She asked me at some point to call her "Birthday Girl" instead of Kaela, so I did, as often as I could remember. Funny kid. Later, she got a Happy Birthday phone call from Daddy, which made her feel very special. Since I hadn't wrapped her gifts yet, I had to get that done. I told her that I'd be in my room for a few minutes and for her to play until I got done. (Quick sidenote: I had hidden the gifts and could not remember where I'd put them. It probably took me 10 minutes to find them! Kaela's not the only one getting older!) Anyway, she could barely stand the waiting and instead of playing, sat right outside my bedroom door, frequently asking if I was almost done and could she come in yet. Finally, I let her in and she was happy to help choose the bows and ribbons to decorate the packages. We had to go over the expected course of events many times that day to help her understand WHEN she was going to get to open those presents. Rho was able to come home early and we went to dinner at Cinzetti's, an Italian place. As soon as Kaela was done eating, she was ready to get home. The drive home was close to 20 minutes, plus we had to stop for gas, so her patience was really tested. Lucky for her, Grandma and Grandaddy called, so she was nicely distracted from her waiting. Once home, she opened her gifts and played until it was quite a bit past bedtime. Since we had eaten a big dinner and had dessert at the restaurant, we skipped the cake last night and will finish our celebrating tonight!
I suck! I had writen on my calendar to send her a card, I even went to the halmark site to do it but their server was down or something like that. So I put it off til later, but later came and it slipped my mind! So Happy Birthday kaela, I think that since I didn't send you a card you should be able to get another bday cake!! tell mom I said so!
Kaela is our baby and it is difficult to see her growing up so fast. However, she is such a sweetheart and it is good that she is older and we can communicate with her more now than in the past. She looks so happy in the pics. I remember 4 years ago, arriving on the day of her birth and Rho taking me directly to the hospital to see our new little one...happy memory!!!
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