Karis's birthday celebration started a day early with a sleepover on Friday night. Her friend Jeri arrived around 4:00 and they enjoyed playing until dinner. After eating, Karis opened presents, including a new bike! The kids all got in their pajamas then and settled in to watch Mariposa. When the ice cream cake was finally ready, we paused the movie to sing "Happy Birthday" and eat a very yummy brownie-filled ice cream cake. The girls woke the next morning, ready to play and ride bikes. Around 10:00, though, Jeri began to feel sick to her stomach and lost her breakfast shortly after. Fortunately, she felt totally fine afterwards, and was ready to play and enjoy the rest of the day. The kids really kept themselves nicely entertained all day and had a good time.

a new bike?? I wanna see!!! where's the picture of the new bike?
What a pretty 6 year old!! Those pony tails are so cute and remind me of Kristen at that age.
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