With Corban feeling better, we went to Elitch's on Labor Day. Surprisingly, it wasn't very crowded, the weather was nice and lines were short.....perfect amusement park conditions. And, as we were standing in line to buy tickets, a family in front of us offered us a coupon that saved us some money! We started off by riding the Ferris Wheel, which I typically wouldn't have done, but the gondolas on this Ferris Wheel were kind of enclosed with bars, as you can see in the pictures, so it wasn't too bad. After that, we split up with Rho going to the kiddie rides with the girls and me going to a couple of big rides with Corban. After the first roller coaster, I wasn't sure how I'd make it through any more rides. I've totally gotten wimpy! I kept my eyes closed the entire ride and was shaking at the end of it. Pathetic. For Corban's sake though, I had to go on. The spinning rides that stay close to the ground are fine for me, but I just clenched my teeth and survived the others. Corban kept saying, "Oh Mom, come on!" Later, we switched kids and I got to recuperate while watching the girls on kiddie rides. Rho went on several rides with Corban then and returned pretty sick. I had to brave a few last rides with Corban before we called it a day. We stood in line for a ride that I really didn't want to do and listened to a Fleetwood Mac song where the final lyrics say "Fallin' Fallin' Fallin'" over and over again. They should screen those songs! I wanted Corban to ride it without me, but he begged, and I gave in. I shut my eyes tight and tried to relax while Corban chatted at me the entire ride!?! HE apparently keeps his eyes open and wanted me to know when we were facing the sky or the ground.

Kaela clings to Rho on the terrifying Ferris Wheel ride.

Corban, Karis and Kristen enjoy the sights from up high on the Wheel.

Karis and Kaela were brave enough to do the kiddie roller coaster, which really jerked them around. Karis liked to act like it was all baby stuff, though we could see the fear in her eyes. SO funny!

Corban poses in front of a wall of water created by a ride he just got off of.

The kids are completely soaked after riding Disaster Canyon. Kaela says, "I don't wanna do any more water rides."
We're not as young as we used to be, are we! I can't take wild rides any more and used to LOVE the tilt-a-whirl. I don't think they had invented roller coasters when I was a kid because I don't remember riding any. Ha!
I had to smirk when you said that Rho rode with Corban and came back sick. What troopers you both were, but it sounded like you were glad when the day was over. Wish Taylor had been there to ride with Corban. She would have loved it!!
What a great time! You are such great parents to get in there and risk sickness and fear for the well deserving children. It looks like they had a very good day. I was quick to recall my almost panic attack with Cameron atop the Ferris wheel at Dollywood as he wiggled and appreciated the view from the top,and I was wondering if I was going to live. I can definitely relate to the fear of dangling, which is the main reason I don't ski anymore.
Getting sick and fearing for your life is part of the fun at amusement parks! I'm hoping we can take our girls to Six Flags sometime soon. I think I would enjoy watching them scream!
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