I'm jumping around in time, posting old stuff and new. Bear with me.
Our 4th of July celebration was different and really fun this year. Rho bought some tickets for a professional lacrosse game from a co-worker. So, we went down to the Pepsi Center and got there early to eat our dinner in the van. For whatever reason, we didn't open the windows or anything and when we finished eating and stepped outside, it had gotten chilly! We were all dressed in shorts and flip flops--totally inappropriate for the change in weather. We knew there was no way we could enjoy this game if we were freezing, so we made the decision to drive all the way back home (about 40 minutes) to get warmer clothes. On our drive back home, it also started to sprinkle, so we grabbed ponchos as well. Well, even though we went as fast as we could, we had missed half of the game by the time we got back. The weather had not cleared up, and we were in our seats for probably 2 minutes before the rain came pretty hard and we all threw ponchos on. Many people were using umbrellas, which we chose not to take, figuring they weren't allowed. Umbrellas would have helped A LOT! Kaela had to go to the bathroom after a little bit, so I took her, and when we were heading back to our seats, we saw that it was absolutely pouring! We stood around under cover for a bit before heading back to our seats and word was spreading that the after game fireworks were going to be cancelled! NO! That was the main reason the girls even cared about being there. We sat, trying our best to keep dry, for the rest of the game, which was really fun to watch, and near the very end an announcement was made that the fireworks would indeed happen! YAY! We've been to a couple of stadium fireworks displays before and they are really neat. They do loud, patriotic music and slides on the big screens, along with in-your-face fireworks. It was awesome! I turned to look at the kids at one point and saw that Karis was crying! huh? I could tell she wasn't upset, however, so I left her alone. Afterwards, I asked her why she was crying and she said, "It was just so beautiful." Awwwww! What a sweetie. It really was an awesome show, despite our soggy bottoms and the chill we got. We were happy to get back to the van afterwards and crank the heat on! There are no pictures to post of the game, since it was raining, but here are a few taken earlier in the day.

I gave the girls patriotic manicures and pedicures.