Near the end of July, Karis's hair was long enough for a donation to Locks of Love. There had been MANY times we were ready to get rid of the length, due to the frustration of tangles, but she was determined to grow it and give it away.

Here she is at Great Clips ready to get her new "do."

She first had to endure this Princess Leia-like goofy look.

Then came the big cut! Bye-bye hair! Good riddance tangles!

She's all smiles afterwards, loving her shorter hair!

The back is shorter than the front/sides. I thought she might be upset after having so much cut off, but she loved this cut immediately! Way to go Karis!
It is a beautiful cut on a beautiful girl.
awesome!! Daniel is doing round 2 for locks of love. He sure is brave, don't know if I could, if I were him. He really gets teased A LOT for his hair...
I have to agree with granddaddy. Beautiful girl...lovin' that big smile!
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