Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mr. WHO?

This might be one of those "you had to be there" moments, but it made me laugh, several times, so I thought I'd share it. Kaela was reading a book called "A Fish Out of Water" to me. It's about a boy who feeds his pet fish, Otto, too much food and the fish grows bigger and bigger and bigger. The boy buys the fish from a man named Mr. Carp. Well, Kaela is reading along...."This little fish, I said to Mr. CRAP, I want him. I like him. And he likes me. I will call him Otto. Very well, said Mr. CRAP...." She just keeps right on reading, not realizing that Mr. CRAP is a strange name for a person. She only stops because I'm laughing SO hard. I correct her, without any explanation, but now I will always, in my head, hear "Mr. CRAP" when that story is read.

Sadly, there is someone with the last name of Crapo. Mike Crapo. He's a senator from Idaho. Poor guy.


Unknown said...

oh man that's funny!!! I can just picture it!

Hoosier46 said...

That is so cute and funny. The innocence of youth! Gotta love it.