Our house really needed painting and the HOA told us that we had to paint it, so we had it painted this summer. Here's the whole house before.............

The very faded garage door.....

Looking better........

And now the whole house.........

The paint job has been done for about 3 months and I STILL have debates with myself over the color of the darker green trim. It just didn't turn out like I expected. If I look at it when the sun is shining directly on it, I'm like, "No way. That has got to be changed." Then, in the evening, I'm like, "Well, it really looks fine." It's strange and I think I should probably just forget about it, but that's hard for me. My neighbor across the street is very wise and suggested that I simply not look at my house during the day when the sun is shining on it.
"Color mattereth not." I Imagination 4:3.
It looks fine to me! I wouldn't change anything!
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